Everyday practical steps to impart lives

- EveryDay Practical Steps To Impart Lives (1)
 On this particular series of notes, I'd be listing seven everyday easy-to-do things we can do to help affect a life positively today. They may seem like simple things, or even things you almost actually do every now and then; but i can assure you that if you had been doing so effectively, you'd have seen drastic changes in the lives of those around you, and your life as well. So please pay attention, relax and let's proceed.
A) ENGAGE IN KIND DEEDS: Always extend care to people- known and unknown; give encouraging words to the fellow with the face-drop expression, and assistance in providing the necessities of others. This was Christ's biggest platform of reaching millions of souls. Peter described Him as being anointed...and "went about doing good; healing all that were oppressed by the devil" (Acts 10:38). Not to forget as well, always give a smile, because under the curtain, your smile may just be enough to radiate hope to someone. And remember this goes with a promise as put in the immortal words of J.M Barrie, "Those who bring sunshine to others cannot keep it from themselves". Thus, if you want to continually keep on impacting your world and the people in it, keep shining-in kindness- dear.
B) SHARE KNOWLEDGE: Just like they say, Knowledge is Power; and so it becomes imperative that you share information needed by others that they might not have access to, for by doing so you bring a reform to their lives without which they would have stayed deformed. And this you do because what you really did when you imputed such information was place in their hands the power to do what they never would have done. Thus, try not to hoard knowledge, but rather stay liberal. Every book we read today, every speech we listen to, every seminar we attend, that had a tangible influence on us, only existed because the person in chaarge thought it wise to equivocaally distribute what he had received. And today technology, science, religion, commerce and government progresses because of such persons. You may not be able to affect an entire government, but you can affect one individual at least. Reform someone's life with what you know, and you'd be indirectly impacting generations to come.
C) HAVE A GOOD SENSE OF HUMOUR: There might be times, perhaps at work or home, when some person's faces seem to scare you away as a result of their grief. To many of us, that's the cue to run, but truly that is the time to stay close to them, showing them the concern they require to regain their cheer again. Always the  beacon in someone's dark fields. Always be that person that can make the worst situation seem hopeful again. It may not be easy seeing we all have our individual issues, but once you make it a commitment to deliver souls from the grip of despair and sorrow, you'd always find joy in stretching an arm to lift others up with that ever hope giving disposition of yours. The Spirit of Christ is our comforter because even when we are battered by the thoughts of hopelessness, He is always there to restore our hope with His never frightened composure in our biggest frights. If we are sent just as He is, then we must constantly carry with us a hope giving aura in our words, actions, gestures and reactions.
D) MAKE PEOPLE FEEL ACCEPTED: In an environment as this where everyone are equals, though different societal and status-wise, learn to relate with everyone whether or not they match your standard, for in doing so you help lay a block in the foundation of their self esteem. For instance, Jesus had correspondence with both sinner and saint, rich and poor unashamedly, because it was the only way He could really get to truly influence them in the way He desired. In the same way, we must do the same. We must not appear accessible to the public, but in the inner closet of our lives we loathe every moment we did it. We must not live such a life because of what the public would think, we must because it is the right thing to always do. We must not be two-faced. Jesus said to rich Zacchaeus "This day salvation has come to your house". To the poor adultress, He said same "Neither do I condemn thee, go and sin no more"- equal in His actions and reactions to all regardless of class. As Nathaniel Hawthorne said "No man, for any period, can wear one face to himself and another to the multitude, without finally getting bewildered as to which is the true one". So be one person- be accessible. Also, learn to be patient with them, even when they seem to be slow in comparison to yourself. Lastly, be open with people.....be receptive; for sincerely it's a step-up in the battle of life when there's a listening ear to share your burdens with.
E) STAND UP FOR PEOPLE IN TIMES OF THEIR DIREST NEED: When you stand up for people in the midst of challenges, it helps them stand out, as it reveals to their consciousness that there is a stand-by to keep them up even when they feel like falling, giving them the courage to face any challenge head-on. And this goes a long way in imparting them greatly unto greater things.
F) SHOW POSITIVE EXAMPLES: Learn to be the kind of person people can look up to, such that they can bank on you- that is, your non-wavering integrity, your honesty, your ability to obey regulations without compromise regardless of how tight the corner gets. Plus it shows them just how much of Jesus Christians really are. It is also said that everybody needs a hero. You can be someone's hero today by exhibiting to them how life should be lived to achieve fulfilment in living; and just like every other hero, you'd have succeeded in pushing someone beyond the limits to be-and do- something better and greater with their lives.
G) GIVE GENEROUSLY: Know for sure that there can be no love without giving, for only in true giving is true love defined. Learn to give your time, your attention, your resources, and your counsel to as many as give the impression that they need it. No matter how little, even if it's just a pen during work, a sheet for routine assignments, it can go a long way in affecting a life generously. Lastly, in any way you can support people to meet their goals and expectations, give that support; yet don't forget that it's in cheerful giving you find true meaning, and by true meaning, true impartation. Jesus was an exceptional giver. He gave food to multitudes even when He had none left for Himself. He gave His life to save all of mankind. And today he has not only imparted everyone of us, He still imparts us till date.
Thus, practice these, and you will be changing lives!


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