Embracing the team spirit

- Embracing The Team Spirit
 What would life be like in a community occupied by a set of persons having great disparities towards its centralized vision? Possibly, such a life would be unproductive, unparallel and cumbersome. The coming together of a group of people sharing the same aim and aspiration, though implemented through various methods, is what propagates productivity, fulfilment and a hitch-free sojourn towards success. This togetherness towards work and play is the most definite interpretation of teamwork.
Team work is the act of working together in pursuit of a common goal. Teamwork is embracing us before I; appreciating We did before I did; and promoting We are before I am. It is engaging less of Me and more of We. Teamwork is the only way we create breakthroughs that define our careers. Teamwork improves quality, enhances cohesion, and facilitates progress; and to achieve these during this period, we must work as a team at all times, every time.
Furthermore, a boat doesn't go forward if each person is rowing their own way. So therefore, if a team is to reach its full potential, each member must be willing to subordinate personal goals for the good of the team. This is paramount because where our singular efforts stop, teamwork takes us beyond. Even God admits that while one will chase a thousand, two will chase ten thousand. Friends, we are more than two, and together we can do anything. In fact, someone once said that none of us is as capable as all of us. Henry Ford says it best in his immortal words, in which he said "Coming together is a beginning, Keeping together is progress, Working together is success".
Parades require teamwork, or we break the line; as with the group sports, or we lose the game. Successful organizatios thrive on teamwork. And with previous results recorded in the affirmative, we can conclude that of all virtues to be upheld, teamwork must never be neglected.
 Every other virtue  we possess might enhance our individual growth in society, but teamwork is non-negotiable for the enhancement of sustainable development through us. Therefore, let us indulge ourselves in this act characterized with its inexorable rewards.
 Hence, let us keep togetherness in mind, for only together can we go further in society and life at large.


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