- Do Not Be Moved, Only Believe
Never let circumstances bother you. It's not easy, but it's feasible. Regardless of what may appear presently, when you key yourself to this lifestyle, You will know that real change is taking place inside of you, that your heart is actually changing, because you will no longer be bothered by the problems, but motivated by the testimony you have within you concerning that situation.
Your determination to take action will change everything. When you know that something is going to change in your life, you do not allow the circumstances to bother you. You may not have a million bucks but your heart has changed. Now you know something better is going to happen. Although your circumstances have not changed, but your heart will affirm that it's already well. That is the extremity of positivity. It makes problems seem like passages to greater things right before your eyes and within you. Life is full of problems and nothing in life is really fun unless you have something to conquer. A mountain that is easy to walk up is not fun to climb. Satisfaction comes when the mountain is steep, and yet you still find a way to persist until you scale through. And this process begins with a clear mindset that challenges, regardless of form, aren't stumbling blocks, but stepping stones. Whenever you get lost in any self-pitiful attitude, you compel yourself to stay right in the problem. You will never change it. This is also because the moment you find yourself starting to feel like a victim, you become victimized; and thus must step back and get a grip of yourself. You cannot be a conqueror and a victim at the same time. They are incompatible. Hence, to always stay and feel victorious, stay positive at all times; seeing what all others see as a dead end as an open door hidden in the darkness, that needs only a little faith and constant persistence to press through.


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