
Showing posts from May, 2023

How To Make Your Marriage Work: Love, Like Truly Love, Your Spouse

DAILY VITAMIN - How To Make Your Marriage Work: Love, Like Truly Love, Your Spouse “And you husbands show the same kind of love to your wives as Christ showed to the church…” (Ephesians 5:25 TLB) Love is a duty you owe to all whom you hold dear and also to those who you don’t. The scripture advises us to love without dissimulation (Romans 12:9), and here it tells us to love our partners that way specifically as Christ did with the church. The question then becomes “what did Christ do?” First, He sacrificed for her; gently corrected it, and meekly put up with her till she fully learned the correction. He understood her weakness and in the midst of it all, stood as her strength. Like He said to Paul, my strength is made perfect in your weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). But today I’d like us to focus on understanding. Love is understanding; and understanding is the only way we can learn to tolerate each other. I have always said that there is no perfect marriage with perfect people, just a m...

God Is Supreme

  DAILY VITAMIN - God Is Supreme "...The purpose of this decree is that all the world may understand that the Most High dominates the kingdoms of the world, and gives them to anyone He wants to, even the lowliest of men!" (Dan 4:17TLB) I find a lot of believers talk about the devil so much these days you'd think the devil created this world. They get scared when they speak of him, but fail to understand that the devil is insignificant in the place of God.  What this means is that the only reason why the devil has a role in this cycle of life is because God lets him. And that there is God's most fearsome attribute - not His ability to make be,  but His ability to let be. See Lamentations 3:37-38. In the days of Job, despite his not being born again in the order of things, the devil couldn't touch him. He had to seek clearance from God. And even when Jesus said this thief steals, kills and destroys, note that He said he seeks to not that he will succeed; for as the ...

The Power Of Belief

  DAILY VITAMIN - The Power Of Belief "Listen to me! You can pray for anything, and if you believe, you have it; it's yours." (Mark 11:24 TLB) A lot of folks don't like to talk about it; some think it's mere fallacy, whileothers accept it, but belief is the foundation of all becomings. Whether we succeed or fail, it's always first down to the belief system we've built in ourselves. That's why the devil craves to destroy it. Yes, just so you know, that's what he tries to steal, kill and destroy - your belief (faith); not your life. A life without sustainable belief is death personified; and he knows this. We are nothing without belief.  He knew he couldn't kill Job, so he went after his belief so he would curse God and die. So the devil doesn't really care if you live or die, but he does care that you don't become what you were born to be. That's why he came after Jesus, and even now after us.  In Revelations 12, once he knew what th...

Be Thankful In All Things

  DAILY VITAMIN - Be Thankful In All Things "Be thankful in all circumstances. This is what God wants from you..." (1 Thesis 5:18 GNB) Gratitude is the most important virtue any believer should possess. Christians are happy people because we are grateful people. And therein lies the key to a life full of joy: being grateful in and for all things.  When faced with an impossible task and a difficult situation, having only five loaves to feed over five thousand heads, the first thing Jesus did was give thanks (Mark 6:41). Once that was done, the unimaginable then happened. You see, nothing moves God into action more than a grateful heart, especially one in the midst of reasons to have been bitter. The Psalmist calls it our sole purpose for living - to worship the Lord at all times; good or bad. And here's what I'll say to you regarding that even as you head into the new day: That your life isn't as colourful as you think it should be doesn't mean that the life yo...

God Will Do It

  DAILY VITAMIN - God Will Do It "Yes, ask anything, using my name, and I will do it." (John 14:14 TLB) God can do anything. Ephesians 3:20 says even things beyond our reach and comprehension. So there's nothing to much for Him to accomplish (Jeremiah 32:27). Thus the reason why Jesus said 'anything'. We might limit our abilities to a certain degree, but God has no limitations. He can do anything. The same power it takes God to create an orange is what it takes to create the orange tree. The same power it takes to heal the sick is what it takes Him to create a whole new man. In other words, there's no too-big-for-God-to-do. What you have to do is ask. He said ask that your joy might overflow (John 16:24). Whatever it is that's necessary for your full joy to manifest in this life can be done by Him in a blink of an eye. The only requirement is that it's something He has approved for you (Isaiah 45:19 TLB).  If God would do just about anything we ask whe...