
Showing posts from November, 2020

When Anger Is Not A Sin

DAILY VITAMIN - When Anger Is Not A Sin “Be you angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath” (Ephesians 4:26)                 It is unrealistic to say that we must never be angry. That’s why our theme verse places a holistic divide between getting angry and sin. Anger can become a sin when not properly managed, but at other times it could also be a reaction (proof) of righteousness. Strange, right?                 You might be thinking ‘Who is this guy and what is he saying?’ because that isn’t what we are taught in Church these days. Well, first, Psalm 7:11 says that God is angry always with wicked acts; does that make Him a sinner? I guess not. And so it reveals to us that not just getting angry, but how we handle or manage it, is what makes it what it becomes- sin. Matthew 5:22 says that when we are angry with ...

The Power Of Meekness

DAILY VITAMIN - The Power of Meekness “Surely He scorns the scorners: but He gives grace to the lowly” (Proverbs 3:34) Meek people aren’t weak people; on the contrary they are blessed people. The scriptures affirm that they shall possess both heaven and earth. Matthew 5:3-5 says “Blessed are the poor (meek, humble) in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven…. Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth”. This shows that they have a heritage both here while they are on earth, and there in heaven with God. Isn’t that wonderful? Well, now that we have seen its benefits, let’s also see its meaning. First of all, never be mistaken, meekness isn’t timidity, and as said already, it sure isn’t weakness either. Moses was referred as meek by God (Number 12:3), and we know he wasn’t a timid or weak man. Meekness is gentleness of spirit. It is well aware of its rights, but will always choose God’s will above any rights. Secondly, meekness is about the surrendering of self,...

All Creation Awaits

DAILY VITAMIN - All Creation Awaits “For the earnest expectation of the creature waits for the manifestation of the sons of God.” (Romans 8:19) What we do as humans affect what happens to all of creation. That’s how much dominion God gave us. In the Old Times, and maybe till now, when man wronged God, all other creatures suffered for it- such as in the fall of man. Joel spoke of a time when the land was languishing due to the ill-actions of the people and even the animals cried. He said they literally cried unto God (1:20). Little wonder why our theme scripture tells us that the same creation are also keenly expecting the evidential revelation of the sons of God. Please understand that this isn’t scheduled solely for the end of time. No! But to you, it is whenever you come awake to your full potential in God. Isaiah spoke also of how things will be when the sons of God are made manifest. He said that the babies would play with the adders and no one would get hurt. That’s figu...