Being A Leader In Church
DAILY VITAMIN - Being A Leader In Church “This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work” (1 Timothy 3:1) The opening scripture says that the desire to lead in the body of Christ is a good one, and is in fact one of the greatest calling of all. However, most times we assume that he was referring to just pastors alone; well, He wasn’t. The Amplified Version uses the terms ‘superintendent’ and ‘overseer’. Now, that could mean overseer of a large congregation, or simply a small group. In essence, he was talking about leadership on all grounds; whether of the entire church, or just a small Bible group or fellowship in church. And then it goes on to say ‘he must be of good behavior, hospitable, apt to teach and patient’ (v.2-3). These are the criteria that every person expects from leaders, including God; however what approach towards this role is expected of them? Peter reveals that to us. He wrote “Tend (nurture, guard, guide and fold) t...